Tuesday, January 8, 2013

...To be a Pretty Ballerina

I don’t know what I thought exactly.  That choosing a word for the year would some how miraculously change how each day feels?    

It doesn't. 

I’m actually reminded more as I begin this year, with the hope of dancing, – of sitting and watching Olivia’s ballet class all last year.   

Do you have any idea how boring a beginning ballet class can be?  

I mean, I love watching my own daughter do just about anything – don’t get me wrong.   But, it’s the same movements over and over and over again; week after week after week.  Accompanied by the slow, plinky beat of a terribly out-of-tune piano.  Each week, adding just a little bit more on, but only a little.  It’s my understanding (not being a classically-trained dancer myself) that this is all for the purpose of strengthening your muscles, and learning the five basic steps that all other dance is based on, so that as you begin to get better at those, you eventually (very eventually) can put the steps together – and create something beautiful out of it.  And, because your muscles have been built up – your body can then handle the different dances.  Fewer injuries.  Important things like that.

When Olivia was first enrolled in ballet years ago when she was three, my brother-in-law made a movie of her –a day-in-the-life – sort of movie that began with us getting her ready for her ballet class at home, riding in the car, crossing her “ballet bridge” as she liked to call it (even though it's the same bridge we take to nearly everywhere), and the grande finale was her dancing in her ballet class.  This is a treasured movie that we made copies of for all the grandparents and showed to extended family and friends that Christmas.   

What was also captured on film that day that I had no idea about until I was watching and hearing others’ reactions, was the state of my heart.  

As I was getting Olivia ready to get out the door – she was three – so I was the one stretching her leotard and tights on her  -- and I’m positive we were in a hurry because I usually am --I said something that got quite a bit of laughter – at my expense – and rightly so.  In a very Eeyore-esque way, as I was fighting with the tights, I said, “It takes a lot of work to be a pretty ballerina.”  Something my husband still likes to quote to this day, and God knows who else. 

Now, I’m not telling you this because I feel especially bad about it.  I don’t.  Any mom knows it’s hard to get your little ones out the door – it’s like herding cats most days.   

If I’m being honest, though, and that’s kind of the point of this whole blog-thing, it really shows that what I am mostly committed to in my life is Life being Easy.  

Maybe that’s not as apparent to you as it is to me, but I can tell you that it is true.  And, God in a very loving, gracious way is dealing with me on this.  And, as I begin this year, feeling called to dance with Him, He’s reminding me that to learn to dance, you have to strengthen some muscles.  It might feel a little boring because it’s not time to really spin around the dance floor yet.  I’m strengthening the muscle of listening to Him.  Every day.  I’m strengthening the muscle of yielding to His leading.  Every day.  I’m strengthening the muscle of looking into His face instead of those around me.  Every day.  Repeating the basics, day after day after day.  Be in My word, Grace.  Listen to My voice.  Every day.  These are all important muscles that need to be built up for me to really be able to Dance this year.

Truth be told, I do sound and feel like Eeyore sometimes.  And I also don’t really like or want to have to work hard.  But, I am comforted to know that God’s not just waiting for me to make it to the dance floor like some impatient partner. 

He’s right here with me; leading me every muscle-building step of the way.


  1. So well said. I want life to be much easier than the typical herding of cats, cleaning of messes, wiping of butts, etc that it is. But that's where life is lived for the most part. Even if it's not the most part, it often feels that way. My hope/desire/prayer is that we can find joy even in those moments- it takes a lot of work to find joy in many of them.

  2. I wish that people could hear the cadence with which you say, "it takes a lot of work to be a pretty ballerina." It is priceless.

  3. wow! i love this! makes me think. hard. this whole dancing thing, learning to FULLY rely on God is tough sometimes...just like strengthening muscles is hard...it can even be painful and dismal at times...and well boring...but what a faithful God we have...He cuts in doesn't He? Meeting us exactly where we are in the muscle exercises! Thanks so much for posting....you inspire me, reminding me that real life is messy, but the result is priceless! I love you!

    1. I love you too, Esther! Thankfully, He does meet us where we are at -- even though it can be painful and dismal at times -- very well said.

  4. I love this and I love your honesty! We need to add this video onto the list of "movies for date night." :)

    1. Ha!!! Lance would gladly give you his impression of me anytime if you asked him ;-)

  5. oh i so agree that we must focus on the fundamentals every day! Even in College, as a team, one of the things we focus on daily are the fundamentals of our game. this is such a good reiminder to me to focus on the fundamentals in my relationship with the Lord and in life.

    1. Hey! Thanks for reading, Gabby! It really does come down to the basics, doesn't it? If you get that now -- you'll be walking through this life with so much more wisdom than I did -- praying for you this semester.
